Three Employee Engagement Ideas to Nurture Top Talent

Innovative employee engagement ideas are becoming an increasingly important way for companies to retain top talent.

Salary alone is no longer enough to keep employees tied to a company. In today’s corporate world, business leaders need to go above and beyond to ensure their talent has everything they need to grow and thrive within your organization.

Attract and retain top talent and keep employees performing at their best with these three employee engagement ideas:

1. Focus Benefits on Employee Growth and Well-Being

When salary is less of a differentiator, benefits become an essential factor to retain top talent.

Most companies have employee benefit packages that include dental and healthcare, but few use these perks to engage employees effectively. An on-site masseuse or a game room where employees can de-stress are ideas that can increasing productivity and overall employee happiness.

Offering free courses in skills development is another way to demonstrate that your company feels invested in an employee's long-term success. These types of benefits help employees feel like they matter to the company and can also increase overall work performance.

2. Provide Career Development Reviews and Training

It should come as no surprise that your top talent is incredibly career-driven. Often this is what makes them your most valuable assets in the first place. These employees have goals and ambitions and will work incredibly hard to achieve them. The more your company can help these individuals achieve their goals, the more likely they are to continue working for you.

Identify common goals amongst your top talent and work with them to create a roadmap for success. If necessary, make clear the progression opportunities available within your company to keep them engaged.

Another way to keep employees engaged is to take time every quarter or once a year to provide career development training. Create opportunities for employees to connect with and learn from executive staff within your company or with external specialists.

3. Offer Flexibility 

Achieving a work-life balance is becoming an important goal for many workers—even top performers. Respecting your employees’ life outside of work and helping them to achieve balance and flexibility can be a huge retention asset for businesses.

Learn More: 3 Work-Life Balance Tips for Your Tech Team

Flexible work hours and work from home opportunities can give you and your employees predictable hours to balance work and personal life. There’s even more reason to do so with your very best employees who have already proven their worth in the office and are much more likely to be productive outside of the office too.

If finding top talent is your top priority, connect with Sparks Group today. Our staffing experts can match you with experienced and talented candidates within your industry and help you build an exceptional workforce.

Written by Sparks Group

Sparks Group

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