Improve your Hiring Strategies for Active vs Passive Candidates

Hiring Strategies for Passive Candidates

Companies that hire strictly based on candidates that apply for their open job positions are likely missing out on a massive pool of highly qualified, passive candidates. Passive candidates represent a vast majority of the hiring market who are currently employed and not actively looking for work.

While these professionals might not be actively looking for a new opportunity, it doesn't mean they don't have an interest in making a career move.

A LinkedIn study found that while only 36% of professionals are actively looking for a new position, a whopping 90% want to hear from recruiters about new jobs. The study also found that 83% of staffing and recruitment decision makers reaching out to a passive candidate noted the strategy as a significant focus for their organization.

Passive candidates represent a vast opportunity for recruiters who adopt the mindset that everyone is a potential hire. Taking advantage of this largely untapped resource can be a game-changer for a company’s talent acquisition strategy.

Here are a few different ways you can improve your hiring strategies by targeting people not actively looking for work:  

Elicit help from a recruiting firm

Passive candidates aren’t out looking for your company; you have to look for them. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re low on time or resources, as many HR departments are. Work with a recruiting firm with in-depth knowledge and connections within your industry. To help them along, provide recruiters insight into your organization; it’s culture, mission, and values, as well as precisely what you’re looking for in a candidate.

Write better job postings

Job outlines should define your company values, what it is like to work at your firm, and what the role entails. A commonly faced obstacle for new employees is not understanding the expectations of the position. These core indicators of job success should be outlined in your job description and verbally clarified during the interview process.

Too many job postings focus entirely on what employers want in a candidate and not enough on what the company has to offer and the day-to-day expectations of the role. Always aim to provide as much information as possible to avoid confusion and make sure goals and expectations are aligned.

Focus on the candidates’ motivations

While you may be accustomed to sitting back and waiting for each applicant to impress you, that attitude simply won’t do to recruit passive candidates. They already have the comfort and consistency of a job, so they don’t need to actively pursue your open position. It’s your organization who has to woo these candidates and offer a better opportunity. Businesses can accomplish this by focusing on the things that are most important to passive candidates.

Lead with their top interests: company culture, your mission, and the perks of the position, and you’ll be more likely to land a new employee who is enthusiastic and less likely to churn.

Many passive candidates are experts and leaders in their industry and potential visionaries for your company. By providing passive candidates the information they want, based on the most important factors they use to make a job decision, you increase your likelihood of attracting and retaining top talent, while increasing your competitive advantage.

To learn more about how to successfully recruit passive candidates, schedule a free consultation with a Sparks Group recruiting expert today.


Written by Sparks Group

Sparks Group

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