Writing The Best Thank You Email After An Interview

Writing the Best Thank You Email After An Interview

Everyone wants to make the best possible impression with a hiring manager or recruiter, yet we often forget to send a thank you email after an interview.

A perfectly worded thank you email won’t make up for a bad interview, but it can help you stand out from all of the other candidates. It can also help to strengthen the personal connection between you and the recruiter or hiring manager which can make the difference between getting offered the position or not.

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Use these five tips to craft an awesome thank you email that will boost your chances of securing the role.

1. Follow Up Quickly, But Carefully

Timing is everything when it comes to a thank you email. You should start planning it the second you walk out the door by noting the topics that you discussed to include in the email.

You shouldn’t wait too long to hit send, either. A thank you email should always be sent within 24 hours of the interview ending. With that being said, don’t send it within 30 minutes of walking out the door. Even if you have had time to properly prepare and craft a thoughtful email it can make it look like you wrote the email before the interview started.

Learn More: How To Follow Up After A Job Interview

2. Keep It Concise

Your thank you email should be short and to the point. Don’t view this as a chance to reiterate your resume or your qualifications, you’ll come across as insincere.

The email should be no more than two or three paragraphs at the most, any longer and the employer probably won’t read it. Stick to a couple of hundred words with a few impactful phrases. Eliminate the fluff and make sure every sentence has a purpose.

3. Refer To Your Discussion

This email is a chance to refer back to your discussion during the interview. Doing so can build on the personal connection that you developed and strengthen your rapport with the employer.

If possible, mention something specific that you bonded over during the meeting—like a favorite non-fiction author. Otherwise speak more generally about a relevant topic you discussed and try to move the conversation forward in a way that you couldn’t during the interview.

4. Ask About The Next Steps

You’ll want to finish the email by thanking the interviewer again and asking about the next steps they haven’t already been discussed. This shows your commitment to the role and demonstrates a proactive approach. If the next steps were already explained in the interview, conclude the email by saying you look forward to hearing from them in the near future.

Don’t forget to make yourself available to the interviewer should they need anything else from you. Invite the hiring manager or recruiter to contact you at any time if they have any further questions, and make sure to include your phone number.

5. Read It Through Twice

Don’t send your email without properly proof-reading it. Regardless of the job you are applying for, spelling errors and other obvious mistakes will not be looked upon favorably.

After you finish the email, step away from your laptop for a couple of minutes and take a break. This will let you come back to the email and read it with a fresh mind, increasing the chances of spotting mistakes. If grammar isn’t your strong suit ask a friend or family member to help.

Partnering with a recruiting firm, like Sparks Group, can provide you with the guidance and expertise you need throughout your job search. Staffing experts can provide you with tools and tips you need to get hired and can assist you in everything from creating an effective resume and cover letter to negotiating salary once you’ve been offered a job.

Sparks Group is a leading recruitment and staffing agency with a large network of companies that are looking to fill available positions in IT, accounting, finance, and many other sectors. By working with candidates and understanding their career goals, our career placement services can match candidates with an employer and position that meets their needs.

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Written by Sparks Group

Sparks Group

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